Thursday, February 21, 2008

turkey burgers

My last posting was about Monday night's meal, but that doesn't mean I haven't eaten anything since then. We've both been busy - I had a networking event at Pho Republique on Tuesday and Jennifer was on call on Wednesday - so we didn't plan any major meals. I grabbed a few hors d'oeuvres - yummy shrimp and chicken filled dumpling thingys - at Pho, while Jennifer made one of our fall-back meals: turkey burgers. Not sure what she actually does to them. It varies from batch to batch. It's not just meat. She adds things like diced red peppers, jalepeno peppers, onions or scallions if we have them. She also gives them a touch of flavor with cumin, chili powder, salt & pepper. No bun - that's really unnecessary carbs rights there. Just a slice of cheese melted on top. And a side of roasted broccoli (Tyler's recipe I mentioned a few days ago). And that was Wednesday night's meal too. Quick and satisfying.

Tomorrow's posting will be more interesting. We are headed to Grezzo, a new raw restaurant in the North End for dinner with friends. 100% organic and vegan. I'm not exactly sure how raw it is. I'll let you know.

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